Corona Virus is the spark Dr. Jameel M. Shaheen. Firil Center For Studies. Berlin
What is happening in this stupid world? What is this madness and horror that will kill more than it kills by the Coronavirus? Just wait and you will see bodies fill the streets everywhere; Southeast Asia. Middle east. Africa, and all third world countries.
ما الذي يحدث حول العالم؟ ما هذا الجنون والرعب الذي سيقتل أكثر مما يقتل فيروس الكورونا؟ فيروس كورونا هو شرارة البدء فقط… إنتظروا وسترون الجثث تملأ الشوارع، ليس بسبب الوباء القاتل فقط بل فيما سيأتي بعده في كل مكان، في الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا، في جنوب شرق آسيا، إفريقيا، الشرق الأوسط… إنها الفوضى العارمة وليست الخلاقة كما خطط لها العم سام.
Developed countries can control the epidemic, but what about the poor countries that have not built hospitals, but have wasted their money in places of worship to control their people?
It is Deadly mess, not Creative chaos, as planned by Uncle Sam. Dr. Jameel M. Shaheen.
Many theories and Videos about the origin of the Corona virus and the country behind it, but no one have the truth. Will global intelligence give this secret to a commoner?!
The world is moving rapidly towards a major meltdown. Governments will fall and others will increase in popularity. The economies of major countries will fall and others will rebound.
The epidemic spread in the United States, the first accused of inventing this virus, and spread with it fear and the worst is a sharp rise in the number of Americans who buy firearms to protect themselves from what will happen after the spread of the Corona virus.
The owners of these firearms stores claimed that have seen around 10 times more customers walk through the doors in recent weeks.
Since early March 2020, arms stores have not cooled down. People come in to take their firearms safety test and everyone one of them bought a gun. That’s quite unusual. Is it the perfect time to get a weapon for their selves? Previously they would not allow a gun in their homes!
That panic in the community got worse when news reports suggested that some cities may have to be put on lockdown to deal with the outbreak. California, New York and Washington saw gun sales surge due to coronavirus.
There are now over 20 thousands cases of coronavirus in the U.S. and the situation is getting worse. 20.03.2020
Americans are afraid of running out of food and supplies due to the bug, so they bought weapons to protect their families from gang attacks, said most of those who bought new weapons. Others fear government’s emergency powers could restrict right to buy a gun. Asian-Americans buying weapons to protect themselves from potential racist attacks…
Will the United States return to the Cowboy period?
The number of firearms available to American civilians is more than 393 million, according to a report issued by the Small Arms Survey (SAS) project located in Switzerland.
The rate of gun-related homicides in the United States has increased nearly 25 times, compared to other countries. 82% of all weapons deaths are in the United States.
In 2013, there were 33,636 deaths due to injury by firearms. The rate of firearm deaths per 100,000 people rose from 10.3 per 100,000 in 1999 to 12 per 100,000 in 2017, with 109 people dying per day! Total death due to injury by firearms till 21 March 2020 is 8545! (GV). Can you imagine?!
According to the Firil Center for Studies Studies, the sale of weapons has increased during the last 30 days by more than 30%, and our expectations that weapons in the United States will compete with the Corona virus in killing people there. The worst is yet to come, not only in the United States, but around the world, Corona Virus is the spark of initiation and bad results come later. so wait. Dr. Jameel M. Shaheen. Firil Center For Studies. Berlin. Germany. 21.03.2020